About Sean


Sean began practising Ashtanga Yoga in 2012. Despite enjoying life in Dubai, he wasn’t feeling completely fulfilled. This triggered a spiritual exploration and his first stop was India. It was here he met Certified teacher Rolf Naujokat, introducing him to a more fulfilling lifestyle through the transformational practice of Ashtanga Yoga.

After returning to Dubai in 2013, he continued his studies, practising and assisting, under the guidance of KPJAYI Level 2 Authorised teacher Olivier David at The Yoga Room, Dubai. He was also a regular student of KPJAYI Level 2 Authorised teacher Nea Ferrier of Ashtanga Yoga Dubai.

In 2015 he made his first trip to Mysore, India, to practise with his current teacher R. Sharath Jois. He has since returned annually and in 2019 he received his Level 1 Authorisation. Sean also has a keen interest in yoga philosophy and meditation, and continues to study Sanskrit chanting under the guidance of Lakshmisha Bhat.

In 2019 Sean was also inspired to explore the FRC® system. He began his functional movement training with FRS Assistant Instructor Zach Deckelbaum’s online platform. He also explored the integration of FRC® into the Ashtanga Yoga practice with Certified Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Mark Robberds during his month-long intensive in Bali. In 2020 Sean completed the FRC® certification qualifying him as a Functional Range Conditioning® mobility specialist.

Sean has taught in various places across the world including the UK, Dubai, China and Singapore.

Sean currently teaches Mysore style, Ashtanga Led, and Mobility classes in Paris at Naya Studio.

Q & A

When and how did you first start practising?


I first started practising yoga in 2012. I tried it out because I was experiencing some minor back pain and I couldn’t do what I wanted at the gym. I was also a Firefighter and it was affecting the ability to do my job well. I was living in Dubai at the time, and I wasn’t fully satisfied with my lifestyle either, so this sparked a search for a more fulfilling way to live. Shortly after I went to my first yoga class, I took a break from my job and I went travelling. My first experience of an Ashtanga ‘Mysore-style’ class was with Rolf Naujokat in Goa, India.


How did you feel or what did you think after that first time?


Despite being slightly out of my comfort zone, I enjoyed the challenge and I was hooked from the very beginning. The combination of breath and movement was so powerful and I remember experiencing a sense of peace and clarity I’d never felt before. I think it also encouraged me to ask some deeper questions about the purpose of my own life and existence itself. Not long after, I started to explore some modern spiritual classics, the yoga sutras and other philosophical texts.


What inspired you to teach? And why do you continue to teach?


In Dubai 2015, my teacher Olivier David asked if I was interested in assisting him. I had some time off in between my shifts at work so it worked out quite well. I was just curious and I wanted to help people, so it seemed like a decent opportunity. Honestly, I didn’t really enjoy it much to begin with because I found it quite difficult, but over time as I improved and I gained some more confidence I started to really love it and I found it very fulfilling. I continue to teach now because the practice is my passion, I enjoy giving back and I love being part of a community. I think it’s important for us nowadays to have that sense of connection with people and be part of a group or a satsang. Any yoga shala can be a great vessel for that.


How has your practice affected your life and perspective on it?


When I first started practising, I noticed I had a lot of anger. I’d say the practice has most certainly calmed me down. I think, like any spiritual or mindfulness practice, it gives you that extra split second of awareness before you’ve completely lost control. Krishna Das says, ‘It gives you a vote’. As you feel that emotion arising you have more time to witness it, let it go and choose a more appropriate action, where as before you wouldn’t have had a choice, you were a victim of your own unconsciousness. I think having a daily practice gives you a sense of purpose and meaning and as a human being that’s essential. It also increases your mental resilience, so you’re in better shape to deal with the unpredictability of the world around you.


Share something fun about yourself.


I love house music and I used to dabble in a bit of djing. That lifestyle is long gone now though! Just recently I started learning the guitar which has been a fun challenge. I also love being outside on the golf course.

Mysore, India 2019

Mysore, India 2019

Tofinho Beach, Mozambique 2017

Tofinho Beach, Mozambique 2017

Singapore 2019

Singapore 2019

KPJAYI, Mysore, India 2018

KPJAYI, Mysore, India 2018