Shala Guidelines

The shala address is:

Naya Studio
26 Rue des Tournelles

  • You may arrive at the shala anytime after 6.45am and within the overall class time slot, as long as you leave enough time to complete your practice. It’s recommended that you arrive no later than 8.30am.

  • Shala is closed on Moon Days. Please click here to check the dates.

  • Ashtanga Yoga is most effective when practised 5 or 6 days a week (with extra rest on moon days and a recommended 3 days rest for ladies during their monthly cycle). Whilst this is not compulsory, you will feel a greater benefit from regular practice when compared to just once or twice a week. We all have our responsibilities but try to come as regularly as possible. You don’t always have to do a long practice. 20 mins a day (a few surya namaskaras and closing postures for example) is better than a long 2 hour practice once a week. I recommend committing to one month of regular practice first to give it a chance to work before deciding whether it’s for you or not. Please see shala pricing for more information on beginner options.

  • Please be mindful and keep noise to a minimum as you enter the shala.

  • Please keep your phone on silent and do not bring your belongings into the room to practice with you. Please leave them in the changing room outside and wait until after you leave to check your messages.

  • Ideally, fill the room from the front and place your mat in line with the other students.

  • Please begin your practice with surya namaskara and keep any warm up or preparatory postures to a minimum.

  • Adjustments are optional - please speak to Sean if you prefer not to be adjusted.

  • Please take a shower or bath and wear clean clothes before coming to practice.

  • Avoid wearing perfume, deep heat, tiger balm or other strong fragrances prior to practice.

  • It is recommended that you bring your own towel mat, and small hand towel to practice. If you do not have your own mat there are ones for you to use at the shala.

  • It is recommended that you practise on an empty stomach. Please try to avoid eating at least 2-3 hours before practising. If you do eat something make sure it’s very light e.g. fruit. A glass of water, tea or coffee prior to practice is perfectly fine.

  • Make sure you are sufficiently hydrated before practice, do not bring bottles inside the shala or drink water during practice (we are trying to generate heat (tapas) in the body and drinking water would be counter-productive). Unless, of course it is an emergency. Ideally wait half an hour to let the nervous system settle down before eating or drinking post-practice.